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New reward scheme coming September 2023...

Which house will you be in?

Every house will have a 'Head of House' who will be nominated by all the staff at Avian Dance School and finally chosen by your Principals.

Bob Fosse


Anna Pavlova


Paris Goebel


Adam Garcia


Briar Nolet


Keisuke Komada


When you enrol in classes at Avian Dance School you will be allocated a house. Each house will have a Head of House and Vice Captain.


You will also have the option of purchasing a colour rubber wrist band to match your house that you can wear to classes (will have to be removed for Acro classes).


How house points work:


Every child will receive a house point card, when they receive a housepoint, they can put a tick in a box (they can also write the class name if they would like to).


 House points are awarded by the teachers for hard work, resilience, kindness, support and anything they feel is above and beyond.


 At the end of every half term, every class will have a housepoint winner and they will receive a certificate (has gained the most housepoints) if there is a draw however many with that amount will receive a certificate. We will divide the housepoint total by how many classes they take to make this fair for those who take 1 class through to those who take 8+.


 At the end of every term, all the students’ housepoints will be counted and the house with the most house points will receive a sweet surprise each. These points will be put up on display in reception and be accumulated over the year.


We will also decorate reception in the colour of the winning house and a trophy with their colour ribbons that they are welcome to take pictures with at our feature wall in reception over the next half term.


At the end of every year - the winning house will receive a MEGA prize.


 House points start from 0 every Sept.


Individual awards

 50 housepoints is a Bronze award.

 100 housepoints is a Silver award.

 150 housepoints is a Gold award.


Heads of house and vice captains will be nominated by all Avian staff and announced at the beginning of the year. These will change every September and announced in the first week of classes.

About our reward scheme

Get in Touch


PHONE: 01603 536511


ADDRESS: Avian Dance Studios

Vulcan Road North


If you would like more information regarding Avian Dance School's classes, we’d be more than happy to help. Please email us with:


Student's name


Student's date of birth


Classes you are interested in

Thanks for submitting!

© 2019 by Sophie Chittock. 

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